Rotary Soap Box Derby @ Pearl River


Rotary Club of Pearl River, Inc.

P.O. Box 824

Pearl River, New York 10965








Event of 2006

Event of 2005

Event of 2004

Event of 2003

Event of 2002

Event of 2001

Event of 2000


National Website



Dan Smith:  914-980-4269

John Buonadonna:  845-735-6165

Chris Kormusis:  845-735-4450




If anyone has any information to add, please send e-mail to:



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Engineered Solutions Corporation

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  Looking Back to 2006. . .

       Congratulations to all. . .




Super Stock Champion:  Johanna Simonsen, 13, Nanuet

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Masters Champion:  Dylan Flynn, 13 Pearl River

(Dylan was the 2005 Super Stock Champion,
and is the Derby's first two time champion!!!)


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Super Stock Division - Second Place:  Samantha Flynn, 9, Pearl River

(Dylan Flynn's sister)


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Masters Division - Second Place:  Kristoffer Flynn, 15, Pearl River

(Dylan and Samantha Flynn's cousin)


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Semifinalists:  Billy Clark, 11, Nanuet; Linda Stevenson, 12, Blauvelt


Quarterfinalists:  Michael Colletti, 9, Pearl River; Taylor Hurban, 8, Tappan; Courtney Shum, 10, West Nyack; and Reed Tyghe, 11, Blauvelt


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   Photos courtesy of Bob Reers
  -- for a complete set of photos of this year's event, go to:\pro\bobreers

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Prizes:  Savings Bonds ranging from $250 to $2,000.  The two winners also receive a trip to Akron, Ohio to compete in the World Championships.


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          See you next year. . .
 Next Race:  June 3, 2007